Saturday 18 June 2011


Causative organism
  • It is a disease which can be sometimes fatal, is caused by bacteria called Yersinia pestis.
  • It is found in rodents (such as rats and prairie dogs) and is passed to humans or other animals by fleas.
Risk factors
People visiting or working in areas with infected rodents are at risk of catching plague. People with jobs such as hunting and trapping have a greater chance of catching plague. The people having pets like dogs and cats which can attract fleas. House pets can bring in fleas, and sick cats can transmit the bacteria by biting or scratching.
  • Fever and chills
  • Tiredness
  • Muscles aches
  • Nausea
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Painful, swollen lymph glands
The symptoms usually start 1 to 7 days after exposure to the bacteria. The first symptom is usually a swollen, red, and tender lymph node (“gland”) in the body near where the infected flea bit the person. The bacteria may spread to the blood and affect many organs including the lungs. People with “plague in the lungs” may spread the disease to other people when they cough. Patients with “plague in the lungs” should be quarantined (isolated from others) until 48 hours of antibiotics have been completed and symptoms are getting better.
Certain antibiotics are used to treat the disease and should be started early. If untreated, about half of infected persons will die. There is a vaccine that provides some protection from infection, but it doesn’t last for very long, and is only recommended for certain travelers.
Plague can be prevented by adopting following methods
  • Control rodent and flea populations.
  • Avoid contact with rats, prairie dogs, and other rodents.
  • Avoid flea bites by using insecticides and repellents.
  • Rat-proof buildings, store food appropriately, and dispose of garbage.
  • Wear gloves when hunting or handling wildlife.

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